Jimmy Sails World
Sorry for not replying sooner but as you may have read from other sources its been quite busy here since we last spoke. It all started the night of my mother watch (interrupted again) by a spinnaker rip and then has been just sail change after sail change in the rain mostly since then!

Im sure there is lots to update you with but im shattered and need to
  get some sleep as its our double night watches tonight (6-10 and 2-6) so I need my sleep!

We are out of the dreaded triangle now so you can breathe again and as i
write are 300nm from New York! Our ETA is Sunday so it does mean more time to get stuff done before you arrive.

I just cant wait now its almost like counting sleeps for Christmas! so im
gonna head off to slumber land, I will try and write again v soon if I can. sorry its a short one.

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    Its like Jim Kirk but without the star dates and I'm not the captain!

     Well here is where you can get to find out a little more about how I'm getting on in my quest for adventure.

    I aim to keep you posted on my training (both how I cope with learning to sail and how I am getting into shape for the race), How I am doing with regards to funding and how much money I have raised for good causes.

    I intend on this to be a journal of everything connected to this epic adventure, so at times it may be funny, sometimes full of grumbles and sometimes down right crazy! but I hope at all times it will reflect my experiences and feelings at the time.

    So watch this space!!!


    July 2012
    June 2012
    May 2012
    April 2012
    March 2012
    February 2012
    January 2012
    December 2011
    November 2011
    October 2011
    September 2011
    August 2011
    May 2011
    July 2010
    May 2010

