Jimmy Sails World
The headwinds are not too bad at the moment, its all very leany though. getting in and out of my bunk is a risky business these days! We are making progress though 1332nm as I type, so can we catch Derry? I doubt it but if they keep going backwards who knows, Its not over till its over!

I am whiling away my watches daydreaming now of home, yesterday afternoon was a lovely sunny affair and we are going alphabetically through Claire's ipod (its taking days!) and i have some of my music and many associated memories to fall to sleep to when I'm in my bunk! Its not all bad eh!!

well speaking of bunk I need to get to mine in order to maximise my sleep bank , I can't risk missing bacon again if it comes around! sleep was the only reason so Im good now!

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    Its like Jim Kirk but without the star dates and I'm not the captain!

     Well here is where you can get to find out a little more about how I'm getting on in my quest for adventure.

    I aim to keep you posted on my training (both how I cope with learning to sail and how I am getting into shape for the race), How I am doing with regards to funding and how much money I have raised for good causes.

    I intend on this to be a journal of everything connected to this epic adventure, so at times it may be funny, sometimes full of grumbles and sometimes down right crazy! but I hope at all times it will reflect my experiences and feelings at the time.

    So watch this space!!!


    July 2012
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    February 2012
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    July 2010
    May 2010

